Wishing for Long and Healthy Life
Whole universe and human body is an interplay of the energies of the five elements Earth (Bhumi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Pavan) & Sky (Aakash). “AYUSKAMA” logo is also inspired and represent these five elements
World is facing challenges like increasing side-effects of mainstream medicines, escalating costs of conventional health care. Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) is a phenomenon of growing importance to the worlds of medicine. Today, the term ‘INTEGRATIVE’ is fighting to take the place of CAM as the best definition for medical pluralism in which the consumer has access to a range of complementary treatments that treat the ‘whole’ person, rather than focusing purely on manifest symptoms. The objective of which is to stimulate the body’s own natural healing mechanisms. Most CAM therapies seek to strengthen the body or spirit or change patterns of living and diet so that the consumer’s health problem disappears or is ameliorated and they become more resistant to illness. This increases numbers of people in the world who are visiting CAM practitioners/Healers.
AYUSH is a system of Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) in India. CAM comprises a wide range of healing approaches. AYUSH is an Acranomyal term that is composed of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unanai, Siddha, Sowa- Rigpa and Homeopathy.
It literally means medical examination is very important. As far as the examination is concerned, the examination is for both the patient and also for the disease. Successful treatment can be done only after thorough examining of both the patients and disease.
“AYUSKAMA” is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Wishing for Long & Healthy Life”.
For Consumer
For CAM Practitioners/Healers
We feel great pleasure to bring to your notice that “Ayuskama” we have been nominated under India 500 Startup Awards 2020 of India 5000 Awards.
We are so glad that “Ayuskama” has been served for such a great appreciation at so early stage by India 500 startup award.
To revitalize and strengthen the Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) systems, making them as prominent medical streams in addressing the health care of the society.
To provide superior platform in the world of Wellness & Healing that: CONSUMER recommend to family and friends, CAM Practitioners/Healers prefer for their patients.
Health is much more than just the absence of disease. Exercise and healthy eating are typically what come to mind when most people think about physical health. However, your exercise of choice isn’t the only thing to consider when striving for good physical health. We all know people who have clean eating habits and are physically fit, but who carry excessive mental and emotional stress, which can wear on their health. While it may not be immediately recognizable, chronic stress takes a tremendous toll on the physical body. Stress occurs when our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical needs are not being met. Stress triggers the fight-flight response, which is a survival mechanism that is hard-wired into our DNA. It is how our physiology prepares to respond to potentially life-threatening events. When this response is triggered repeatedly it creates wear and tear on the physical body.
True health comes when we are able to create harmony between each of the four bodies.
Most ancient cultures pointed to a connection between body, mind, and spirit and recognized that each composed a part of the whole. Now, integrative medicine and health psychology are beginning to recognize that health is influenced not only by the physical body but the spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies, too. Your health is dependent on all four facets, as opposed to just one of the four. Building onto this concept, your overall health is also influenced by a trickle-down effect: The physical body is affected by our emotions, our thoughts direct how we feel, and our energy level sways our mind and our thoughts.
The key to holistic healing is to consider a person as a whole - body, mind, emotions and spirit. Our wellbeing, our general health depends not only on the physical, which is only one part of it, but also on our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
it generates feelings that are associated with past similar experiences, and we develop a label to identify the emotion
going in all areas of our life and at each level of our selves (spiritual - mental - emotional).
Ayuskama is equipped with amazing features and comes with even more amazing support.
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